Tuesday, April 21, 2009

LOL...thanks MB!

This morning I was sleeping soooo good when the alarm went off so I was all cranky and decided to check my Facebook before I got up. Well, I'm glad I did because I had this message from MaryBeth about the MTHFR and my doctor appointment and it made me laugh:

"Question.. do you think that it is a coincidence that it looks like mother f.....? I think it is only appropriate."

I think from now on I'm just going to call it the motherf@cker because that's a lot easier than MTHFR...which mom says feels like you're in kindergarten pretending like you know how to spell. I might also suggest it to my doctor since he always likes to attempt the full word which is methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase...he hasn't made it through the entire word yet, we'll see. I always remembered it by thinking Monday, Thursday, Friday...lol. So thanks MaryBeth, you just made a lot of people's lives a hell of a lot easier!

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Good News!

I had my follow-up appointment with my doctor today one week post-miscarriage and the news was positive. My pregnancy test came back negative, which means all the hormones are out of my system, and the ultrasound showed an empty uterus. That means no D&C and my body is back to normal already, which is the best news we could get right now considering the circumstances.

My doctor wants to see what the perinatologist has to say at our appointment next week, but says we are clear to try again if he agrees. So I am just looking forward to that appointment and having a period - weird concept. Derek is disappointed because he wants to try NOW, but neither of us want to be back here again in 3 months, so we're following doctor's orders.

EDIT: Well, scratch that...the stupid perinatologist's office says that since I'm no longer pregnant, I can't keep my appointment next week because it is a "pregnant appointment." So they rescheduled me for May 21st. Grr.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Friday, April 10, 2009


I started bleeding and cramping yesterday afternoon and the Emergency Department did an ultrasound that showed that the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks and there was no heartbeat. I woke up at about 3:00am today with really painful cramps and lots of bleeding, which continued all day, and I passed a large amount of tissue about 2 hours ago. I think that should have been the majority of tissue and hope I will not have to have a D&C. I really wanted to let it all happen naturally. My cramps have come back, but are much milder and the bleeding has kind of changed to a more period-like situation. The doctor said this can often go on for a week or so, but I'm hoping this will be quicker since it seems like a good portion of the important stuff has already passed. I guess we'll see how things progress over the weekend.

We are upset and it's been a hard day, but for the most part we want to move on and try again as soon as possible. The doctor suggested I keep the appointment I have scheduled on the 30th of this month with the perinatologist (was my 1st trimester screening) to discuss the MTHFR and what we need to do moving forward. Thanks to everyone who has sent texts or emails, and don't feel snubbed if we don't answer your calls, we just really don't want to talk to anyone right now, but appreciate knowing you are thinking of us.

Of course, knowing us, we find the humor in everything and Derek says his sperm have ADD like him and just forgot what they were doing in there. Hopefully next time they will be more focused and get the job done. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

The Bauers

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 9

Wow, I can't believe it's been a week already. It seems like I just posted Week 8! Tomorrow Baby Von Bauer will be the size of an olive, which makes me picture him/her drinking a little bebe martini in there. I get to have an ultrasound on Friday morning, so hopefully I'll have new pictures to post soon. A great perk of my job is I know a lot of people in charge of stuff in the hospital. I've been feeling really paranoid lately since I haven't been to the doctor in three weeks and my next appointment isn't scheduled for another three weeks. Plus, a girl I work with who was due three days after me had a miscarriage late last week and ever since then I have been kind of freaking out. So I called the lady in charge of the private practice area where I work downtown and told her all about everything that's happened and that I was supposed to have another appointment this week, but it was canceled since I switched doctors because my old doctor is a complete douche and tells me to google things. She was so sweet and got me worked in for an ultrasound Friday morning and told me to bring all my records and questions, that the doctor said he will be happy to sit down and talk with me about the MTHFR and answer any of my questions. So, stay tuned...new pictures by this weekend hopefully!

P.S. Check out the Baby Von Bauer ticker at the bottom of the page...real fingers!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 8

One more month until I'm officially out of the first trimester! I can't wait to get this show on the road and have a real baby bump already. My first trimester scan has been moved to April 30th, because I was right, the other appointment was too early. So the last week of the month will be an exciting one in BabyBauerville - we'll get to meet the midwife and see another shot of BVB that should look much more like a baby and a lot less like a shrimp. Still no morning sickness...*knock on wood*. I feel a little queasy every now and then, but nothing so bad that it keeps me from working or doing other stuff. I'm still exhausted all the time, but if this is as bad as the 1st Tri is going to get, I think I'll live.