Friday, June 26, 2009

Week 6

This was an exciting week! Morning sickness arrived Sunday morning and has not left since. I'm constantly nauseous, but not vomity, which I guess is a good thing. I know I'm supposed to eat small meals throughout the day and that would be a great idea if every kind of food didn't make me want to hurl on site/smell/thought. I have been eating what I can, when I can, and as a result have lost 3 pounds this week. Not to mention the heat index has been 103+ since Monday, so that doesn't help the situation much.

BUT - we had our first appointment on Monday and saw a healthy little baby that measured exactly on par with where it should and a flickering heartbeat of 150. That's a fantasticly high number! We go back on July 8th for another ultrasound and if things still look okay, I think I might finally let myself think I'm actually going to have this baby. It's so weird how easy it is for me to pretend I'm not pregnant. It's been going surprisingly well so far. I am looking forward to being able to accept that things are going well and allow myself to get excited in the next few weeks! If we think things are still going well, we plan to tell family and friends at 10 weeks - so July 17th! I can't wait!!!

Here's an ultrasound from 6 weeks, 3 days.