Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 27

Our baby shower last weekend was fantastic and I have been busy writing thank you notes today! We're looking forward to Thanksgiving in Louisville and our other baby shower. Not to mention, a short week at work...which apparently my feet/ankles/legs need. I am having some crazy looking swelling on my left side which makes my foot look like Eddie Murphy in a fat suit with a huge cankle! Right side is just fine though...very weird, but my BP is good, so nothing to worry about. I have been trying to lay off the sodium and prop up my feet as much as possible. My midwife suggested at least 3 hours a night, but that's hard to do when you get to work around 7AM and don't get home until 10PM two nights a week. Have I mentioned I can not WAIT to graduate!?! Only 25 more days!!!

Well Ms. Avery's favorite new trick is to make things dance on my belly. I will sit back and set and remote control or a something along those lines on my belly and she makes it jump and wobble all over the place. It's crazy to watch! She should be about 2.5 lbs this week and is now blinking, along with coughing, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths...which I did not even know they did! Very cool. I just can't wait to meet her. I am working on switching from books about labor and delivery to reading how to actually take CARE of her once she's here. For some reason the importance of that has just now dawned on me. I think I've got time though...12 weeks to go!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 26

Well it appears we have the most stubborn baby ever. Today was our 3D ultrasound and the sonographer said she was one of the hardest babies she's ever done. We only got two or three semi-good pictures of her face because she was curled up in a ball and tucked down into one side of me...and stayed that way for an ENTIRE HOUR! No amount of pushing, shaking, jumping, lying on my stomach, or my side would help. We did get to see her yawn a bunch, eat her fist and her toes, and she also loves to grab and hold on to her toes and feet. She is in the true fetal position and her feet and hands are constantly in her face. She also presses her face flat into the inside of me, so whenever it wasn't blocked by hands and feet, it was squished into the inside of my uterus.

So here are some of our best shots. I guess she is insisting on making her appearance a surprise until February.

Foot in the Eye...her favorite position!

Best Face Shot

Her Little Butt

Hand Up by Face and her Little Armpit

Her Chubby Cheeks

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Week 25

Another busy, busy week that flew by. Seriously, February is going to be here before we know it. She has been super active these past couple weeks and I even saw my tummy move from the outside for the first time last weekend. She also got hiccups for the first time yesterday - very funny! It was the same little feeling over and over, but sometimes it felt like she got too close to me and the hiccup made her hit her head. LOL I am super excited about my shower here in KC next weekend and about getting to see everyone at Thanksgiving. I can't wait!!! We have our 3D ultrasound on Friday, so check back for pictures of her beautiful face next weekend!