Monday, December 21, 2009

The Beginnings of a Nursery!

Obviously we are not done and things are still cluttery and all the over the place, but I wanted to post some pictures of what I got accomplished Sunday! The black doors/drawers/shelves unit is what Derek made - from scratch - for $200! I think it turned out awesome!!! He still needs to add the little magnet latches to the doors, but other than that it is complete.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Week 31

I haven't posted lately because I have been so busy with finals and paper-writing since Thanksgiving, but I graduated on Friday...woohoo!!! Things are still good, just growing and getting a little uncomfortable since she likes to press into my lungs and bladder from both ends. I officially have permanent cankles and I can't stand/walk for long periods of time anymore without my back killing me. We are getting her room together and will post pics soon! Here's a picture of the growing belly from Friday night at our graduation dinner. See everyone at Christmas!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Week 29

Last week was packed full of Thanksgiving and an awesome baby shower so I forgot to post, but you didn't miss much! This week has been a blur, I can't believe it's Friday already and we have just TEN WEEKS to go!!! Eeek, scary! I have been feeling a lot more uncomfortable this week for some reason. Like a lot of pressure if that makes sense. I think she is just growing more and I haven't caught up with her enough yet. Or maybe this is just how it's going to be from now on? Either way, I'll live and I'm SUPER excited to only have two and a half months left!!! Here's a comparison shot from 22 weeks to 29 weeks - same outfit so I thought I'd take a picture. Wow, big difference and I thought I wasn't growing! LOL