Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What The Hell Happened to Plain Ole Lamaze?!?

Invention Lets Women "Practice" Giving Birth With A Balloon
By Margaret, 2:30 PM on Wed Feb 25 2009

An invention filed with the U.S. Patent Office allows pregnant women to partially insert a balloon in the vagina and push it out, in order to practice giving birth.

According to the patent, when inflated in the vagina, the balloon tapers conically toward the waist, which "causes the orifice of the birth canal to dilate in a manner similar to that caused by the emerging head of a baby." Pregnant women can then "exercise by pushing the balloon out of the vagina in preparation for giving birth." Supposedly repeatedly birthing the balloon will make the real thing easier and less painful, but is better to just do it once and get it over with?


  1. Birthing has become a business, just like weddings. It is just better to be natural with it because the baby and your body ultimately decides how it is going to happen. Just hang on...and let it happen!

  2. i say thats pretty corny lets have babies not ballons!!!!! they might fly away. ha!

  3. WTF?! who came up with this madness?!
    no thank you i do not want a BALLOON inflated in my woman parts?!

  4. Are you kidding me?? This must have been invented by a man because they have no idea what this will be like! Take it as it goes, naturally because nothing will prepare you for the time when this child comes out!
