Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 19

Today I am 20 weeks and Avery is half-baked! We had our 20wk ultrasound to measure all the anatomy and make sure she's looking healthy. She's 12 ounces and still a girl! We got to see her brain, heart, kidneys, stomach, bladder, her ribs and all her little appendages. She has the roundest stomach and she looks like a little snowman when she's facing you. She is laying breech and has her feet up by her face, so folded up like a pocket sandwich. LOL She kept wiggling around and grabbing her toes. The tech had a hard time getting a good look at her spine and parts of her face because of the way she's laying, so we are going back in 3 weeks to have another look. I see my doctor Monday morning to go over the results...unfortunately the tech can't tell you much. She is so stubborn and won't give ANYONE a good profile shot, but here are some cute shots we got of her facing us, her legs crossed, her foot, her fingers, and view from the outside!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Finally Starting to Look a Little Pregnant!

Disregard the "look" - it's 9:00 at night and I'm on my way to bed.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 18

19 weeks today - we're almost halfway there! I can't believe it! I am now sure that I am feeling Avery move around in there and it's SO weird! I feel her every day and usually in the morning and afternoon. Sometimes at night, but not as often. Derek said she's probably cramped in there and is trying to stretch it out like you would a t-shirt that shrunk in the dryer...LOL.

Yesterday I also found out that the other girl in my department who's due 2 days before me and has a uterus that is cosmically aligned with mine for some reason is having a...GIRL! Of course! She really thought it was going to be a boy, but we should've known better. We were both pregnant together and due the same day earlier this year and then miscarried within a week of each pregnant together again and due within two days of each other. How weird is that!?! So of course, we are both having little girls. It's been an exciting two weeks at work to say the least :)

Today I almost passed out, which was REALLY weird. We were having a meeting and this lady was talking to us about organ donation and I started feeling really uncomfortable and odd. Then I got that tingly feeling and felt like I had a bubble around my head and felt woozy and shakey. I got up and got some water, walked around, stood, sat - nothing helped! It was so random, but I never did full on pass out. I hope that's not going to happen a lot!!!

Next week we are going to meet with the midwife, who I am sure I will fall in love with immediately according to everyone else who knows her. On Friday we have our actual "big" ultrasound! It's the typical 20week anatomy scan to check on Baby's organs, limbs, etc. and make sure everything's okay. We did get our risk levels for Downs and Trisomy 18 back and they are both 1 in 10, wonderful numbers! Spina bifida was 1 in 2,500, so also good. I'm hoping the rest of this pregnancy goes just as smoothly!

This week Avery is the size of a mango and is covered in all that gross white stuff to keep her skin from getting all pruney in her hot tub.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The "B" Belly

So here's a progression of the last seven weeks - getting bigger, but not ROUNDER, which is the key here! This is the square belly shaped like a "B". If only the strip around my belly button would pop out! Until then, I guess I will just look weird like this. LOL I have only gained 5lbs to date, which is pretty good since all my books say 10-14 lbs is average, but I have rounded out on the sides so much in the past week that I am afraid all the major weight gain is about to begin.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Help me choose...

I have been going back and forth between which car seat print to choose for over a week now. Which one do you like the best?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 17

Well this has been the most exciting week so far! We found we're having a little girl and it has made such a difference! It makes it feel so much more real to say she or her or Avery instead of "the baby." Now when I think about her I think about what she's going to look like and act like AND I get to BUUUUY things!!! FINALLY!!! I have been limiting myself and have only purchased two little onesies so far, but it's hard!

I should really be more concerned with clothes for myself because I am running out of things to wear now that summer is coming to an end. I am not going to fit into any of my Fall/Winter hoodies and that is my staple wardrobe! I am still growing a very square belly. I guess I should post pictures soon. Maybe I'll do that tonight. Half the people I talk to say, "You don't even look pregnant." or "You're not showing at all!" which just leads me to assume I looked this fat to begin with...LOL. I am definitley bigger though. I now officially have zero pairs of pants that will button and the top of my stomach is usually pretty hard with all my internal organs being smooshed in up there. I definitley have nowhere to grow, so I'm expecting to just grow straight OUT from all sides! LOL

The weirdest new little thing is that when I eat I get a hard bump that sticks out from between my ribs on the left side of my stomach. Mom thought it was a hand or foot, but the baby is still too low the ultrasound tech says. So we're guessing it's an intestine or some other organ being pushed out of the way when I'm full. VERY WEIRD! LOL

This week Avery is the size of a sweet potato and is now yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. I THINK I have started to feel her move, but I won't know for sure until it happens more often I guess.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's a...GIRL!

Avery Vaughn Bauer

Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 16

Today I am 17 weeks! We find out the baby's gender in just THREE MORE DAYS!!! I can not wait...the anticipation has been killing me. I'm glad Mom and Steve will be here this weekend so that will be a good distraction. I have had a pretty uneventful week. Today I thought I might have felt the baby move a couple times, but I still can't tell if that's what it really was or not. I guess I'll have to wait until it's more obvious.

This week the baby is the size of a large onion, 5.1 inches and 5.9 oz! I can't wait to see him/her on our ultrasound!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crib Bedding

Awww...I am in LOVE with this bedding and at first I thought it could pass as unisex, but the more I look at it the more I think it is too girly for a boy. What do you think?

Crib Bedding