Today I am 20 weeks and Avery is half-baked! We had our 20wk ultrasound to measure all the anatomy and make sure she's looking healthy. She's 12 ounces and still a girl! We got to see her brain, heart, kidneys, stomach, bladder, her ribs and all her little appendages. She has the roundest stomach and she looks like a little snowman when she's facing you. She is laying breech and has her feet up by her face, so folded up like a pocket sandwich. LOL She kept wiggling around and grabbing her toes. The tech had a hard time getting a good look at her spine and parts of her face because of the way she's laying, so we are going back in 3 weeks to have another look. I see my doctor Monday morning to go over the results...unfortunately the tech can't tell you much. She is so stubborn and won't give ANYONE a good profile shot, but here are some cute shots we got of her facing us, her legs crossed, her foot, her fingers, and view from the outside!

Ahh...Hi Baby Avery!