Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 10

Tomorrow I will be 11 weeks - double yay! I am almost finished with the first trimester and I can. not. wait. I have been SO exhausted and really sick all week. I read that the baby is supposed to triple in size this past week, so I am guessing maybe that's why. I have been able to make it through work, but for some reason as I soon as I get home I get incredibly tired and nauseous. Which is quite inconvenient since I have a 20 page paper due tomorrow and have not been feeling well enough to work on it all week. I actually had to take a vacation day today just to get started on it...yeah, that's right, I said STARTED.

So, other than that I haven't really had much exciting stuff going on until our NT Scan next Wednesday. I can't wait! We get to do a big long ultrasound and the baby's head will actually be proportionate to it's body. It will look like an actual baby instead of an alien, so that's pretty cool. Other than that, things have just been very, very busy at work and as soon I get home I crash! I am going to start working on eating more fruits and vegetables and going back to the gym after this sickness goes away. I feel bad because fruits and veggies just do NOT sound good and haven't for the past few weeks, so I've been eating very little of them. I have been eating little kid food for the past week or so because it's all I can stomach. Courtney - you would love it! Now would be a fantastic time for you to visit. We are stocked up on chicken tenders, hot dogs, mac-n-cheese, pasta roni, and Stove Top!

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