Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 9

Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks - yay! I am so excited to have gotten this far already and can't wait to see our next ultrasound on the 29th. After that, I think I'll breathe a lot easier, although things have been going terrific so far. This week was a trade off - a lot less sick, but much more exhausted! That probably had a lot to do with the fact that it's Thursday and I've already worked 40 hours this week. I am having some issues with back pain that is in my left sit-bone area, which is probably going to get worse as I grow.

Speaking of which...I appear to have gained approximately 12 pounds, but have in fact not gained an ounce so far! I am trying to wear lots of flow-y shirts to work and am able to button my pants, but have an unfortunate muffin top as a result. I have been wearing my bella bands every day this week and they are great! They are this stretchy things that pull up over your pants and fold over so that you don't have to button them. They are GREAT and comfy and look like a cute tanktop at the bottom.

I have noticed some puffing out of my stomach around the hip bones a little, but the most noticeable change is that the top of my stomach looks like I've eaten a HUGE dinner ALL.THE.TIME. It is bloated constantly, which just makes me look fat, but I guess that is a small price to pay for a healthy little baby!

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