Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baby Von Bauer has a heartbeat!

We had our follow-up ultrasound today and there is a tiny, tiny little 3 mm baby and a heartbeat! It is at 103, which means it probably juuuust started beating recently. We could see it on the ultrasound and it was this tiny little flashing oval. So weird! You could see it blinking plain as day though!

They moved my due date back to November 11th now that they can measure more accurately when the baby was conceived. I was confused at first, but six weeks ago today was my most fertile day according to the fertility calendar we were using. It worked perfectly! I can do this week over again happily. The doctor also said since my homocysteine levels are normal, she isn't worried about the genetic issues and is considering me a normal-risk pregnancy unless that changes. I am going to try and reschedule my appointment with the midwife now that I know I don't have to see a high-risk doctor. YAY!


  1. YAY!!! YAY!!!!!
    I feel so emotional right now!!!I am so, so SOOO happy for you guys!!!!!

  2. Adventures in "Von Bauerville" continue!

  3. First of all, I will tell you I have that same gene mutation and I have had 2 successful pregnancies (although i wouldn't call Shelby or Sean normal so let's just scratch that thought) actually right now your whole family is thinking "man I knew that Laura girl was missing a gene or something!!!" Love you bunches and I will continue to pray for the health of baby Von Bauer. XOXOXOXO white woman

  4. Yay! I am so happy for you! I recently found out I am pregnant too. I will be due 11/13!

  5. ashley, I was so happy to hear the good news, I just cried! I hope your journey from here on out is blissful! I am praying for you, Derrick and baby von bauer, you've been through enough already!! Angies mom

  6. See, told you Baby Von Bauer was a fighter! He's got the Sashy gene in him! Love you and can't wait to spoil you over the next 8 months!!!! xoxoxoxo

  7. see angels do help! Am so happy, cant wait to be great grandmother!!!! that sounds so funny! I love you both and of course Baby Von Bauer cant wait to hold him in my arms!!!!!!

  8. Of course, I am elated! Can't wait to see you guys. Hugs and kisses.
