Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week 7

Truth be told, I am completely confused about how big the baby actually is and how far along I am now. Going to the doctor and getting a new due date has completely thrown me off...not to mention the way they typically count your pregnancy is from your last period, which would make me 8 weeks pregnant today but according to the ultrasound I won't be 7 weeks until Wednesday. Completely confused. So, from now on I'm just going by how big the baby is and this week it will be 7 weeks!

I had my first-trimester screening scheduled for April 13th, but may have to push it back now that my due date has changed and you have to be between 11-13 weeks. I'm also dumping my doctor and rescheduled my first appointment with the midwife at Lakewood for April 28th. Maybe I'll get some answers about how far along I am at one of these appointments! Still no morning sickness or food aversions...I've really wanted bologna and cheese all week, but other than that I'm just really, really tired all the time. It worries me that I'm not sick...not that I want to be, but at least it would make me feel like everything was normal.


  1. NEVER wish morning sickness upon yourself! You haven't been sick because we stashed crackers everywhere when you first became PG. When you are never need your resources. Be thankful.
    I think it is funny that Baby Von Bauer is the size of a blueberry.....Brett LOVES blueberries. HaHa

  2. a blueberry?! AWWW!!!!! Tate loves blueberries too!!! i will have to let him know : )
    You better stop wishing for morning sickness.. b/c once it comes - you are going to be mad you asked for it!!!! UGH
    love you and Baby Von Bauer!!!
