Monday, March 16, 2009

Update hasn't been a great week. We had a scare last Wednesday with some bleeding and I had an ultrasound done, which was inconclusive. There was everything there except the baby, so they doctor said I could be a week behind what I was thinking...or I could have a blighted ovum, which is basically a pregnancy that begins, but the baby just does not develop. They ran some lab work on Wednesday and again on Friday to check my hormone levels. They typically expect them to double every 48 hours and although mine were up, they were not, again, inconclusive. I stopped bleeding on Friday, but I also kind of stopped feeling pregnant, so we've just been playing the waiting game since then. We have another ultrasound on Wednesday and we should be able to see a baby and a heartbeat if things are progressing. If not, I will either have to let myself miscarry or have a D&C.

On top of all that, I was also diagnosed with a genetic mutation called MTHFR that causes blood clots and neural tube defects in pregnancy and can often lead to numerous miscarriages. My mutation is a homozygous mutation of the A1298C gene, which is bad, but not the worst. I had some more lab work done for this and my homocysteine levels are normal, so that greatly helps to reduce my risk, but unfortunately this will be a problem any time I get pregnant. I will most likely have to see a high-risk doctor, but because my homocysteine levels are low I shouldn't have to give myself daily injections of blood thinners which is good because that would SUCK!

Right now we are just waiting until Wednesday...we won't know anything until then and we won't have any answers until we see the ultrasound. I am hoping we will see a little Baby Von Bauer waving back at us, but if not I guess we just see a specialist and do everything we can to make the next pregnancy viable. I'll keep you all posted as soon as we know something on Wednesday.


  1. :( everything will be just fine!!! I love you and I wish there was something I could do to make everything better!!! xoxoxox!

  2. Chin up girl! These things happen, but we find a way to deal with them. I love you with all my heart and have my fingers crossed that you see a tadpole on Wednesday. If not, then that was the way it was meant to be. Can't question it, you just have to deal with it. We will get you a little baby von bauer, don't you worry about it! If it comes to it, I'll have it for you! Now that's love!! :)

  3. We are all praying for the best outcome. As we have discussed, we want a healthy Baby Von Bauer and your body knows best. Trust it and support it. I love both of you.

  4. What can I say that someone else hasn't already said. Will say my prayers. Love you both and wish I could kiss it and make it better. Thinking of you....

  5. We love you both! We will be thinking and praying for you. Big hug to both of you :)
    Will check on you later in the week.
    Love ya

  6. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Derek. Love you both and I'll be praying for you.

  7. i love you and derek, my coco. you know things happen for reasons we dont really understand, and just maybe we arent supposed to! i will pray the angels around you, derek and baby von bauer. Love you all, ne
