Saturday, August 29, 2009

Week 15

I have been so busy this week I forgot to post a couple days ago. School started again and it is mostly going to such because both my classes are 7-9:45, but they don't seem half bad so I think I'll live. It's the last semester - I just keep telling myself that! Today we bought our baby furniture!!! It only took six hours to make a decision, but this is what we finally chose (click on the picture for a better view). We went with the crib and the dresser without the hutch. I don't want to bang the baby's head every time we are trying to change it. I think we'll get the nightstand as well later on since this is a convertible crib that will transition to a toddler and then a full size bed. I also found a bedding set that I LOVE but I am trying to hold out until we find out if it's a boy or a girl before buying anything like that. It's a green, black, and white set so technically it would work for either gender, but I'm still holding out for the possibility of doing a very girly nursery...I haven't made up my mind yet.

I am getting bigger, but am growing a square shaped tummy so I think I'll hold off another week or two on a picture update to give it time to round out...IF that's ever going to happen! The baby can now hear my voice, so I guess I better work on the cussing. It is the size of a large avocado this week!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 hospital is hardcore!

I found out today that we are changing our visiting policies in our Birthplace because of swine flu & RSV season coming on, as well as overcrowding. Unfortunatley, that affects me personally since we'll be having the baby here.

For the labor side they will only let you choose three people who get wristbands and are allowed to visit you before the baby is born and you can't trade off. Once the baby is born you can only have two visitors at a time and that includes the father...which means everyone else gets to come back one at a time! Plus, absolutley no kids...geez! That is strict!!! It sounds so different from all the other births I've been to (which, truthfully, has not been a lot). I remember the whole damn family being in Amy's room while she was in labor!

Doesn't that seem a little hardcore? Oh well...I guess we'll just have to do a big get together when we come home.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Week 14

Today I am 15 weeks and the baby is the size of a naval orange! I love the little ticker at the bottom of my page with the picture of the baby's face. It's so real. I still do not realize that I am not just "pregnant" - I am going to have a real live baby! I think that will change when I can feel it move around...or maybe not. Maybe I won't realize it until I pop out a real live human that I can see for myself.

Nothing new really...I am just looking extremely fat and NOT pregnant. It's just great. Grr. I have been starting to freak out aobut my job and who is going to do everything while I'm gone. Too many work meetings that involve presentations, training sessions, projects, etc. that are starting in January and I'm realizing, "Oh wait...who's going to do my part because I'm not going to be here." My LAST semester of school also starts next week and is going atrotcious. Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00-9:45 makes me want to cry since my new bedtime is 8:30. I'm hoping I'll get that great second wind and increased energy I keep hearing about...aaaaany time now. I feel like right now is the waiting game...waiting to find out the sex, waiting to start looking pregnant, waiting to start feeling more energized...I'm tired of waiting!

Monday, August 17, 2009


LOL...I am cracking up at the lowest ticker on the bottom of the page.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Week 13

Today I am 14 weeks! WOW! This week has been a fast one...very uneventful, lots of 8:30 bedtimes, and now we're on our way to the float trip - can't wait! I desperately need the sun!!! I feel like a lot of my bloat has gone away this week and am looking more like my normal self, just a little more "expanded." I wonder if this means I will pop soon. I've read that usually the bloat subsideds and then one day you wake up with a belly that wasn't there when you went to bed. I don't feel like I'm EVER going to look pregnant! I'm sure I will regret those words soon enough I guess I will enjoy fitting into the last of my normal clothes while I can.

I think the cravings may have started and how cliche is it that they inovlve pickles? In the past week I have consumed no less than 10 mayonaise, cheese, pickle sandwiches...for breakfast, snack, dinner - anytime! Yum...I am also really craving Jersey Mike's and we don't have one :( I might have to make a Louisville trip just for that!

Other than that, there's not a lot new. The baby's heartbeat is still in the high 150s/low 160s range whenever I check it, so everything seems to be going well!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 12

Today I am 13 weeks and have officially graduated to the 2nd Trimester. For some reason everyone thinks of 12 weeks as the end of 1st Tri, but technically it's 13. AND, I don't know why people say you're pregnant for nine months because it's actually 40 weeks. ANYWAY - I have been really tired this week and my hunger is weird. I am really hungry first thing in the morning, but no matter what I eat for breakfast it makes me really sick. Then I could practically go all day not eating (I force myself to eat something by 1:00 if I haven't gotten hungry yet), but then all of a sudden around 5:00 I am STARVING and if I don't have dinner right away I get an awful headache and attitude. Very weird. I have still been living on carbs, but am trying to add easy things like salad and green beans back into my diet. They just really still don't sound good.

This week I started buying maternity clothes as my jeans will no longer zip up all the way (some won't at all!) and the bella bands just aren't cutting it. The maternity jeans and pants I got are soooo comfortable! I can't wait to get them back from the tailor (darn short legs!). It's tax free weekend so I thought I'd take advantage of that and try to get some shirts and sweaters too. Some of them still are a little too long or big on me, but for the most part I've found enough to have things to wear to work and still be comfortable. I got two really cute v-neck half-length sleeved sweaters at Gap Maternity that are good for work or with jeans, so I got one color in medium and one in large as a compromise. So one's a little big now and one will be a little snug later!

Oh, another wonderful thing has begun. I seem to have little control over my bladder when sneezing for some reason. We were walking through Macy's the other night and I did not even have to pee, but I sneezed really big and a gush of pee came out. WTF!?! I was freaking out and dying laughing at the same time. Good thing we were already on our way out! It's happened twice since then, so every time I have to sneeze I cross my legs really hard. I have been extremely stuffy and sneezy since being pregnant. I'm beginning to think I'm allergic to this baby!

Well, that's about it for excitement this week. I am looking forward to popping and I hope it happens soon. Right now I just look like I've gained a lot of weight in a very short amount of time. It's becoming a little embarrassing! From what I've read, you just wake up one day and all of your bloat has magically turned into a hard little belly. That seems unlikely, but the number of people I've heard this from is unbelievable! Crossing my fingers it happens in the next couple weeks.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dear Baby von Bauer...

Please stop making Mommy look like a lard ass who's been hittin' the twinkies a little too hard. I give entirely too many presentations in front of large groups of my peers and would prefer that they not all think I eat my emotions in a dark closet as it appears I have been doing. Feel free to pop ANY day now...go ahead...any time...really.

12 Weeks, 5 Days

Monday, August 3, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Well, today's appointment was pretty uneventful. The doctor listened to the heartbeat, which was 160, and measured my stomach. He also yanked my pants together, joking about how UNzippable they are. Nice, lol. We talked about where he delivers and even though he does deliver at another hospital, I think we'll stick with where I work. He said 95% of the time they can get private rooms for employees and that a bunch of residents and students don't have to be involved if I'd rather them not. My next appointment is August 31st, but I'm guessing we won't have another eventful one until the ultrasound we've scheduled for September 8th!
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 11

Yesterday was my 12 week mark! The 2nd Trimester doesn't technically start until 13wk3d, but 12 weeks is a huge milestone. The baby is now completely developed and is entering the growth phase. I am starting to think about the baby more as a little person that is going to be a really baby soon now that we saw it hopping all over the place and moving its arms and hands during our ultrasound this week. I am convinced it's a girl...I have just felt that way from the very beginning, but I guess we'll find out in five weeks. I have a 50/50 chance of being right at least! I keep having dreams and in every one of them I am giving birth really early, but the baby is already as big as a 3 month old.'s always a girl though! I have felt MUCH better this week outside of a few waves of nausea. They are fewer and farther between though, so that is promising.

This week, the baby is the size of a plum and weight half an ounce.