Friday, August 21, 2009

Week 14

Today I am 15 weeks and the baby is the size of a naval orange! I love the little ticker at the bottom of my page with the picture of the baby's face. It's so real. I still do not realize that I am not just "pregnant" - I am going to have a real live baby! I think that will change when I can feel it move around...or maybe not. Maybe I won't realize it until I pop out a real live human that I can see for myself.

Nothing new really...I am just looking extremely fat and NOT pregnant. It's just great. Grr. I have been starting to freak out aobut my job and who is going to do everything while I'm gone. Too many work meetings that involve presentations, training sessions, projects, etc. that are starting in January and I'm realizing, "Oh wait...who's going to do my part because I'm not going to be here." My LAST semester of school also starts next week and is going atrotcious. Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00-9:45 makes me want to cry since my new bedtime is 8:30. I'm hoping I'll get that great second wind and increased energy I keep hearing about...aaaaany time now. I feel like right now is the waiting game...waiting to find out the sex, waiting to start looking pregnant, waiting to start feeling more energized...I'm tired of waiting!

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