Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Geez...my hospital is hardcore!

I found out today that we are changing our visiting policies in our Birthplace because of swine flu & RSV season coming on, as well as overcrowding. Unfortunatley, that affects me personally since we'll be having the baby here.

For the labor side they will only let you choose three people who get wristbands and are allowed to visit you before the baby is born and you can't trade off. Once the baby is born you can only have two visitors at a time and that includes the father...which means everyone else gets to come back one at a time! Plus, absolutley no kids...geez! That is strict!!! It sounds so different from all the other births I've been to (which, truthfully, has not been a lot). I remember the whole damn family being in Amy's room while she was in labor!

Doesn't that seem a little hardcore? Oh well...I guess we'll just have to do a big get together when we come home.

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