Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 11

Yesterday was my 12 week mark! The 2nd Trimester doesn't technically start until 13wk3d, but 12 weeks is a huge milestone. The baby is now completely developed and is entering the growth phase. I am starting to think about the baby more as a little person that is going to be a really baby soon now that we saw it hopping all over the place and moving its arms and hands during our ultrasound this week. I am convinced it's a girl...I have just felt that way from the very beginning, but I guess we'll find out in five weeks. I have a 50/50 chance of being right at least! I keep having dreams and in every one of them I am giving birth really early, but the baby is already as big as a 3 month old.'s always a girl though! I have felt MUCH better this week outside of a few waves of nausea. They are fewer and farther between though, so that is promising.

This week, the baby is the size of a plum and weight half an ounce.

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