Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 35

Today I'm 36 weeks and officially 9 months pregnant. AAAHH!!! I am so excited for Avery to be here, but terrified that I could go into labor so soon. We have been to two of our four childbirth classes and they make me feel more calm and Derek feel more anxious, but they have been so helpful! Hopefully we'll make it through the last one at the end of the month. I am sure she is going to be a late baby anyway...she is a snuggler and looks awfully comfortable in there every time we've had an ultrasound.

If she doesn't come before January 27th, then I will be a pregnant model for one of Cerner's new fetal monitoring/tracking products that they are piloting at our hospital. They are an international healthcare software company and the pics would be used on their marketing info and packaging of this new product I guess? Some of the nurses at work recommended me and I said sure as long as they have Photoshop. LOL!

Other than being a little uncomfortable when I walk around (she falls RIGHT into my bladder when I do!) I am feeling really good. Everyone at work comments on how much energy, perkiness, and running around I do even now. A lady at work even said, "Omg, I just realized you were pregnant last week - when are you due?" in a meeting today. I just laughed and said four weeks from today! LOL...I have been fairly large for the past couple months I thought! I don't notice it, but I guess I am very lucky that I've felt so great throughout this whole pregnancy. When I think about how other people in my situation are feeling/acting I realize I really am feeling much better than most of them. I hope that doesn't mean the second baby will be payback!

A picture from this morning...36 Weeks!

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