Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week 37

This week was exciting! Our last birth class was Monday night so now we are supposed to be "officially ready" for delivery. Not sure how convinced I am that we are ready, but it's going to happen one way or another! Wednesday was my little pregnant lady photoshoot which was fun, except they made me do all the bare belly pictures and I had to pretend another guy was my baby-daddy and hold hands with him, which was awkward. LOL

We got Skype set up and now we can talk to everyone who has a webcam - yay! I've talked to Mom twice and it's so neat - and no wasting of cell phone minutes either, woohoo! Today was Derek's Polar Plunge which was HILARIOUS and more than a little crazy, but a fun day. There is supposed to be a full moon tonight, so I am 50% wishing it would send me into labor, but on the other hand I could really use at least one more full week at work to get things wrapped up.

The anticipation is awful! I can not wait for her to just be here already! Thirteen days to go!

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