Friday, January 22, 2010

Week 36

Today I am 37 weeks...three more weeks to go! Or maybe less??? The midwife says at all of my appointments that I measure exactly to the day when she measures my belly, so she thinks I will be very close to my due date. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up that it could really be any day now. I FEEL like she is going to be born February 7th, but we'll see. I think it is less intuition and more wishful thinking since that is our nine year anniversary from when we started dating :)

Not a lot new going on other than a bajillion people giving me funny advice, including, "You'll know you're about to go into labor when it looks like someone blew their nose in your undewear." and "You will be a complete emotional wreck in the couple weeks after the baby's born and think that you ruined your life...don't worry, you didn't." GREAT! LOL

I feel really good for the most part other than my hips killing me at night when I try to sleep between pee-breaks every 2 hours. I'm just now starting to feel a little sluggish and slower. I kind of feel like I'm getting over being sick for a my body is just exhausted. Not to mention my cankles are the size of grapefruits and my calves are rock-hard and swollen...they are starting to sting and itch from being so puffed out! Other than that, things are good though...just waiting, waiting, waiting...very impatiently!!!

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